Price is relative, because I'm sure you don't want to be
spending $250,000 for speakers (and you can easily if
you wanted), so I'll try to give you the best for a nominal
price range that will be good for your computer system.
Okay, if you don't have a separate receiver to power the
speakers, I would recommend some powered monitors
that music studios use when mastering audio tracks. A
great system I would suggest...
SPEAKERS: Event Studio Precision 8 Powered Monitors
POWERED SUBWOOFER: Hsu Research VTF-3 Mk 3 w/Turbocharger
With your computer, you will have to have a surround sound
audio card and software to do 5.1 surround sound or higher.
If you include a separate home theater surround sound recei-
ver to the mix, you will have a lot more choices for speakers.
For instance, the best system I can suggest for under $10k
would be from Silverline Audio and again Hsu Research...
SPEAKERS: Silverline Audio Prelude
POWERED SUBWOOFER: Hsu Research VTF-3 Mk 3 w/Turbocharger
If you want more specific help on what you're trying to do, go
ahead and e-mail me, and I'm sure I can better help you here.
Just give me a maximum price and the room size your com-
puter system is in to give me more of an idea of your criteria.