Look in second-hand shops for an old "Home Theatre" amp. The ones that don't have HDMI connectors often sell for peanuts - possibly $30 - $50 for an amp that cost $800 new.
Make sure it has "Dolby Pro Logic" (not just dolby digital or no dolby) - and a subwoofer output. For a high-end Home Theatre amp, that will be a phono (RCA) to connect an active Sub.
(A Sony STR- series amp is a good choice).
Use any old HiFi speakers for the front stereo channels and whatever you can find/scrounge for the other channels.
Preferably, plus an active sub. That will probably be the most expensive bit, but well worth the money.
(Normal loudspeakers do not always work well at very low frequencies. An Active sub uses servo feedback and drives the speaker cone to where it should be, rather than letting it bounce about and resonate).
For a passive sub, use a large diameter speaker or a purpose-designed sub.
Example - this uses a standard passive sub rather than active, but is otherwise near perfect; 85W per channel and Dolby Pro Logic included (as well as Dolby Digital & DTS surround etc. from digital sources).
With that setup, you can feed the amp with any Stereo music source and (as long as Pro Logic is enabled) get full 5.1 surround sound out - all normal stereo music has actually been surround encoded for decades and it a massive difference!