Short answer:
= Yes vlc player should be capable of playing a blu-ray file or blu-ray disk (if the optical drive reads blu-rays).
Long answer below:
First you need a optical disk drive that can read blu-rays disks.
- The optical disk drive may be able to read dvd's and cd's as well.
Second you will need a media player that can play blu-ray and dvd and cd discs/files.
- The best free three media players that I recommend are,
- I recommend you download k-lite codec pack for media player classic (also k-lite codec pack can be used for windows media player). (64 bit for k-lite can be found here: ).
- or download km player (don't download all that extra korean crap).
- or download vlc player.
One of the best paid media players that's very popular and good that I hear is power dvd from cyberlink.
This was one of the only system requirements I can find for being capable of playing blu-ray's, dvd's, cd's.
(These system requirements may be different depending on what media player your using).
- DVD:
- Blu-ray: