for your criteria,a computer might be the best solution.
you would need a machine that could easily handle the data rates.
I would recommend a high end graphics card with interface capabilities
for high definition.
a sound card that fully supports dolby srs 5.1/7.1,thx etc.
you will need a massive amount of storage to contain this number of
a standard dvd uses mpeg2 compression. typically a 2 hr movie
would occupy 4.5 gb. more with audio streams like thx.
high definition would require approx.40% more space.
you will need dvd 'ripping'software to circumvent copyright and
content protection.
you could convert the video streams to mpeg4,and this would
reduce the amount of space required for your movies.
you would have to have a software 'player' to play this format,
as it is not compatible with dvd.
you could further reduce the needed space, at a sacrifice of video
quality. in either case a couple of tera bytes of storage would be might look into 'swap-able' drives.
Blue-ray is a disk format,so you would be going back to 'disks'.