Yes, dedicated theater room. I'm changing equipment constantly though, so there's no point in listing it.
Edit: Geez, two thumbs down? Okay, I'll list some equipment.
Things that tend to stay the same:
Dahlquist DQ10 5 way phase array screens. Mirror imaged with ribbon upgrades for left and right spkrs
Renkus Heinz with custom designed dispersion parameters for center spkr
Audire Model 2 500 watt bridged amplifiers to power spkrs
Marantz DC 300 bridged for subwoofer
Sony 400 disk upscaling DVD changer
Things that change constantly, current:
Yamaha RX-V3800 processor
LG BH-100 Bluray / HD-DVD player
Digeo Moxi HDTV Cable DVR (Emmy award winning cable box)
HP M9060N HTPC computer - Vista Media Center
Centralite automated lighting
Nevo SL control system
LIfe|ware automation system
Scheduled changes/additions for January:
JVC 6 million pixel LCoS projector with anamorphic lens attachment
Vutec variable 2.35:1, 16:9 133" screen
DirecTV DVR (I'm wired to run DirecTV, Dish Network and cable concurrently)