Jason A
2008-02-26 07:31:18 UTC
These speaker systems are usually $500-$1,000 and look really cool with long big side speakers etc. displayed with the TV. They are usually also combined with DVD players (i.e. the receiver, if it can be called that, is the DVD player).
But there are also separate speaker things in a separate department of Best Buy where you get a big receiver and then buy speakers and stands seprate and these usually don't have the long big side speakers that you see displayed with the TVs.
These are my questions:
1) Are these systems that come bundled with TVs practical for plugging in multiple devices (e.g. my TV, PS3 and like another DVD player) with the ability to just switch between the devices with the press of a button? Or are these speaker systems limited to only having the built-in DVD player play through the speakers?
2) Is what I am looking